Detective Barbie: Mystery of the Carnival Caper
Detective Barbie: The Mystery Cruise
Detective Bot
Detective Bureau Simulator
Detective Butler: Maiden Voyage Murder
Linux, macOS, Windows
Detective Case and Clown Bot in: The Express Killer
Detective Conan: Mirage of Rememberance
Marvelous Entertainment
Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders
Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS, and 4 more
Nupixo Games
Detective Dolittle
Nintendo Switch
Detective Dotson
Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S
Detective escape1
Detective Face
Detective Failure
Detective From The Crypt
Linux, Windows
Detective Gallo
PlayStation 4, iOS, Nintendo Switch, and 1 more
Detective Girl of the Steam City
Detective Gman
Detective Grimoire
macOS, Windows, iOS, and 2 more
SFB Games
Detective Hank and the Golden Sneeze
Detective Hayseed - Hollywood
macOS, Windows
Detective Hunt - Crownston City PD
Detective Instinct: Farewell, My Beloved
Detective Jackie: Mystic Case
macOS, Windows, iOS
Old Skull Games, GameHouse
Detective Kiwi
Detective Kobayashi - A Visual Novel
Detective March Forward - The Missing Will
Detective Max - Double Clues
DETECTIVE - Minerva case
Detective Montgomery Fox: The Case of Diamond Necklace
Detective Montgomery Fox: The Case of the Missing Ballerinas