About vglist

vglist helps you track your entire video game library across every store and platform.

Most of the data in the database comes from Wikidata, a sister project of Wikipedia. Thanks to them for hosting so much freely-licensed data!

The site is still in a Beta state, so there are still plenty of rough edges. Thank you for bearing with them while I work to build out more of the site! You can follow development by reading the Changelog.

If you have feature requests, I'm happy to recieve them (though I can't promise I'll implement them). For now, the best place to request features or to report bugs is in the GitHub issue tracker or in the #feedback channel on the Discord server (linked in the navbar dropdown). The site is available as an open source project on GitHub, and anyone that wants to contribute to the project is welcome. It's built with Ruby on Rails and Vue.js.

Thank you!

- Connor Shea, creator and maintainer of vglist