The Mirror Lied
Linux, macOS, Windows
The Mirum
The Misadventure Of Melon
The Misadventures of Botsworth
The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom
The Odd Gentlemen
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne
The MisAdventures of Xenos
The Misanthropic Girl
The Miserable Crimson Hooded Girl
The Misfits
macOS, Windows
The Miskatonic
The Missing Few
The Missing: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories
Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and 1 more
The Missing Link
The Missing Parts of Maria Gwozdek
Linux, Windows
The Missing Ring
Apple II series
The Missing Thing
The Mission
The Mission 1937
The Mist
Apple II, Disk Operating System
The Mobius Machine
The Moment of Silence
House of Tales
The Moment We Met
The Momo Game
The Money Game
Nintendo Entertainment System
The Money Game II: Kabutochou no Kiseki
The MoneyMakers Rallye
The Monk and the Warrior. The Heart of the King.
The Monopoly Game 2
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
The Monster Inside