Heroes Of Maidan 2
Heroes Of Maidan 3: Crimean Battle
Heroes of Malgrimia 2: Necromancers Invasion
Heroes of Malgrimia: The Lost World of Magic
Heroes of Mana
Nintendo DS
Square Enix
Heroes of Mavia
Android, iOS
Heroes of Might and Magic
Game Boy Color
Heroes of Might and Magic: A Strategic Quest
Game Boy Color, Mac OS, Windows, and 1 more
New World Computing
Heroes of Might and Magic II
Game Boy Color, Disk Operating System, Mac OS, and 1 more
Heroes of Might and Magic III
iOS, Android, Mac OS, and 2 more
Heroes of Might and Magic III: In the Wake of Gods
Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Shadow of Death
Heroes Of Might And Magic II: The Succession Wars
Heroes of Might and Magic IV
Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era
Heroes of Might and Magic Online
Heroes of Might and Magic: Quest for the Dragon Bone Staff
PlayStation 2
Heroes of Might and Magic V
macOS, Mac OS, Windows
Nival Interactive
Heroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the East
Heroes of Might & Magic III - HD Edition
Heroes of Might & Magic V: Hammers of Fate
Heroes of Myth
Linux, macOS, Windows
Choice of Games
Heroes of Myths - Warriors of Gods
Heroes of Newerth
macOS, Mac OS, Windows, and 1 more
S2 Games
Heroes of Normandie
iOS, Windows
Cat Rabbit
Heroes of Paragon
Heroes of Rome 2 - The Revenge of Discordia
Heroes of Rome - Dangerous Roads
Heroes of Ruin
Nintendo 3DS
Heroes of Scene