Metal Slug XX
Metal Slug X
Nintendo Switch, Windows, PlayStation 2, and 2 more
Metal Slug: Awakening
Metal Slug Anthology
PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 2, Wii
Terminal Reality
Metal Slug Defense
Windows, Android, iOS
Metal Slug 4
Nintendo Switch, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 2, and 1 more
Mega Enterprise
Metal Slug 2nd Mission
Metal Slug 5
Nintendo Switch, PlayStation Portable, Windows, and 2 more
Noise Factory
Metal Slug Advance
Game Boy Advance
Metal Slug 1st Mission
Metal Slug
PlayStation 2
Metal Slug 7
Nintendo DS
Metal Slug 6
Metal Slug 3
Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android, and 7 more
Metal Slug 2
Nintendo Switch, Windows, iOS, and 3 more
Windows, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and 5 more
Nazca Corporation
Metal Slug Tactics
Xbox Series X and Series S, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and 3 more