Max Payne
iOS, macOS, PlayStation Portable, and 6 more
War Drum Studios, MacSoft Games, and 3 more
The Warriors
PlayStation 4, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 2, and 1 more
Rockstar Leeds, Rockstar Toronto
PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, iOS, and 5 more
Rockstar Toronto, Rockstar New England, and 1 more
Grand Theft Auto IV
Wii, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and 2 more
Rockstar Toronto, Rockstar North
Grand Theft Auto: London, 1961
DMA Design, Rockstar Toronto
Grand Theft Auto V
Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, Wii, and 7 more
Rockstar India, NaturalMotion, and 8 more
This company hasn't published any games yet.